- Negotiate new space lease
- Arrange approval and sign off on new lease agreement
- Submit notice for termination of current lease
- Organize designers for new space layout
- Advise employees of packaging requirements and moving schedule
- Choose project manager and contractors for build work
- Identify locations for printers, fax machines, phone lines and work stations
- Approve floor plan
- Schedule and approve time line
- Create inventory
- Identify and purchase additional furniture and equipment needs
- Arrange disposal, sale or donation of old furniture
- Schedule wiring and cabling
- Schedule work station assembly and set up
- Define IT relocation requirements
- Schedule office furniture and equipment delivery
- Order system upgrades or changes if needed
- Schedule move
- Organize IT services for move
- Organize moving resources support
- Assemble build work
- Network set ups
- Install dedicated power sources
- Distribute move memo to staff
- Arrange parking assignments and permits
- Schedule software back ups
- Purchase moving supplies
- Supply employees with moving supplies
- Test phone lines, internet and systems
- Transfer service contracts and cancel non transferred service providers
- Obtain business permits
- Change of address notifications
- Arrange cleaning of old and new site
- Complete building repairs for old and new site
- Remove and haul trash
- Dispose of hazardous materials
- Turn off lights
- Turn in keys, building access cards, etc. for old site
- Obtain keys and building access cards for new site
- Pick up rental items
- Return rental items
- Arrange heavy equipment, valuables and vehicle move
- Notify insurance
- Check building security, fire alarms, smoke detectors, emergency lights other building maintenance needs and filters etc.
- Post employer notices
- Assess storage needs