
MLS Listings

"“I want to say thank you for all the help you give us to become owners of our house.Thank you Raquel for your dedication and guidance, for those... full testimonial"
- Silvia Cruz
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Exceeding Your Expectations

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Raquel Nikravesh

Raquel has a sincere passion for family, helping others and makes her personal goal to become your life-time Real Estate Advisor. Whether you are a Buyer or a Seller, she understands that the process can be overwhelming which is why she strives to go above and beyond without hesitation with each client, every step of the way, ultimately focused on exceeding your expectations for over 20 years. Raquel’s resourceful nature keeps her up-to-date on local, world and market specific news, allowing her to keep her clients educated and informed on current market trends. With extensive experience, she ensures that her clients receive competitive pricing and quality care.

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